Can you believe it is 2022? We hope this year is a great year full of laughter, growth, learning, and joy!
Changes for 2022
Krista Van De Flier will start her new role as Instructional Coach January 3. Krista has over 20 years’ experience working in the early childhood field and is excited to return working directly with teachers and children. She is currently participating in a year long HighScope curriculum training program. New office space was created for the instructional coach adjacent to the front desk. We will announce the new Administrative Coordinator in January. If you have any questions regarding enrollment or tuition, please contact Erica or Debbie. Flora Harmon is transitioning to a Research Assistant in TLAC while she finishes her dissertation.
2021-2022 Family Advisory Board Goals
1. Although the handbook was updated on July 27, 2021, to include more information on Kaymbu 360 including weekly storyboards, there was a lack of information on the expectations of weekly storyboards in the family handbook. The staff handbook contains more information:
- “Weekly storyboards are composed and sent to families sharing what is happening in the classroom including project work, what the children’s ideas are, upcoming events, items needed, and pictures/videos.”
- “Copy the Director on the weekly emails and other communication you have with families.”
Expectations of pictures and videos are not included. Photograph and video expectations will be
added to both the family and staff handbook during the summer 2022 handbook updates. In
addition, information about the amount of time teachers should spend on taking pictures and
videos will be included.
2. Face-to-face communication between parents and teachers are crucial for exchanging important information. The family handbook states, “Face-to-face communication is the best way to exchange information with the teacher about your child. This short exchange works best during drop-offs and pick-ups. If you need extended time with your child’s teacher, please schedule a time to meet with them at a convenient time for both parties.” Members of the Family Advisory Board expressed they would like more information about how to approach their child’s teacher without burdening the busy teacher. It was decided to include an article in the monthly newsletter about how can parents best communicate to their child’s teacher. It was also decided that in addition to the newsletter article, the teacher could share
information about the best way to communicate with them. Lead teachers will share this information in one of their weekly storyboards.
3. The appearance form each family signs upon enrollment is a universal Texas A&M University
document. Parent permission to use photos for classroom use in weekly storyboard was examined during the FAB discussion. If families do not want their child’s photograph shared, that applies to everything, including the classroom storyboards – resulting in less photographs that can be used and shared. Since parents expressed an interest in increasing the number of photographs in the storyboards, a suggestion was made that we add a section specifically regarding storyboards to the appearance form to promote participation. A separate permission line specifically for storyboards will be added to the appearance form for the fall 2022 semester.
4. The FAB committee discussed the lack of positive highlights shared about our program such as our low teacher turnover, providing generous benefits to our teaching staff (when many in the field of early childhood education do not receive this benefit), etc. Similarly informing parents of industry standards and how we compare in areas such as budget, tuition, class size, ratios, etc. The Becky Gates Children’s Center will create a series of informational emails highlighting strengths of our program as well as industry standards.
5. Parents expressed the need for more parent engagement in the forms of in-person volunteering and donations. The Becky Gates Children’s Center will provide engaging activities for parents at different levels. Parents and families will be encouraged to volunteer in a BGCC classroom at least once per semester. These opportunities will include:
- Reading to the children
- Joining in outdoor playtime
- Sharing a family holiday or cultural activity (Diwali, Lunar New Year, Cinco de Mayo,
- International Children’s Day, etc.)
- Sharing special talents or skills (play an instrument, weave/sew, building activity, lead a sing-along, etc.)
- Sharing your occupation (bring in x-rays, experiment, community helper, etc.)
Teachers will share volunteer opportunities throughout the year including opportunities for parents who cannot easily come to the center to volunteer such as donations, etc.
Additionally, there are monthly engagement activities available to parents
- February: Friendship Classroom Celebrations
- March: Read Across America
- April: Week of the Young Child Family Friday Event; Teacher/Family
- Conferences
- May: Family Celebration Breakfast
- June: International Mud Day
- July: End of Summer Bash
- August: Open House & Meet the Teacher
- October: Fall Family Fun Night; Fall Classroom Celebrations
- November: Teacher/Family Conferences
- December: Winter Classroom Celebrations
Director Discretionary Fund
We invite you to help us maintain our beautiful new playground with a donation to the Becky Gates Children’s Center Director’s Discretionary Fund. Your gifts will be used to replenish items such as wood chips, provide decking maintenance, and replace outdoor equipment such as balls and bikes as they wear over time. If you need additional information about giving, contact Erica Ritter or visit the giving pages on our website. Thank you for helping us keep our nature playground in tip-top shape!