Center Spotlight: Healthy Eating
The Becky Gates Children’s Center participates in a federal program, Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), that provides monthly reimbursement for healthy meals and snacks that are served to children and adults. This program works to provide nutritious meals to children which helps each child develop healthy eating habits that will be maintained into later years. Working towards these same goals, we offer a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and culturally diverse foods using local items when available.
BGCC rotates two, six-week seasonal menus, updated annually including family feedback. Our menus received the Gold-Level Award from the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Gold-Level Award is awarded based on menus serving various fruits and vegetables every day at lunch. Dark green and red/orange vegetables are served 3x per week; seasonal fruits and vegetables are included when available. Cooked dry beans, legumes or split peas are served at least 3x per week and whole grain-rich foods are served at least 3x per day. We do not serve pork, tree-nut products, juice, processed meats, high sugar items (more than 6g sugar per serving), flavored milk, or fried/baked pre-fried food items. 1% milk is served to children who are two years of age or older; children under two are served whole milk. Water is served with all meals.
The nutritional goals that we are aiming to achieve can be effectively pursued through family-style meal service. Having teachers and children sit together allows children to practice serving themselves with assistance available when needed. This is a great way to teach independence, while also learning and developing social skills such as taking turns, passing food to others, saying please and thank you, and helping set the table. Children have the opportunity to try new foods while sitting together. Watching others accepting foods helps them want to try and taste new foods as well. Daily meal times will include discussions on the taste, smell and texture of foods as well as the benefits of healthy eating. Families are also encouraged to engage and participate during mealtimes.
We are proud of the accomplishments BGCC continues to make and the education that is provided for our families. We are happy to be able to contribute to the wellness, healthy growth and development of our children and families.