The mission of the Texas A&M Children’s Centers is to cultivate a vibrant community of creative learners, driven by diversity and innovation by providing immersive experiences and supportive connections within nurturing surroundings to inspire fresh insights and discoveries.

The Texas A&M Children’s Centers serve the children of Texas A&M University’s students, faculty, and staff and is part of Texas A&M University’s College of Education & Human Development. Approximately 400 children, ranging in age from 12 months to 6 years, participate in our programs. The centers are supported by Texas A&M University, with all tuition and fees reinvested in providing a quality program for children and families.

The Texas A&M Children’s Centers serve as a location for Texas A&M students and faculty as well as others in the community to support educational and professional goals. We work closely with different academic departments to provide educational opportunities and experiences for students. This includes observations, projects, and field experiences including but not limited to practicums, internships, student teaching, informal research, developmental testing, observations, active participation, group discussions, activities, etc.


Contact Us

The centers are open year round Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Our schedule matches the Texas A&M University staff calendar with the exception of various staff development days and family/teacher conferences.

If you are interested in partnering with the Children’s Centers please contact us at or

Becky Gates Children’s Center
1125 Hensel Drive
College Station, TX 77840
Phone: 979.458.5437
Search 3199 in Aggie Map

Charlotte Sharp Children’s Center
1411 Hensel St.
Building 1-100
College Station, TX 77840
Phone: 979.458.6836
Search Pd01 in Aggie Map

If you are a student interested in working with us, please reference the employment tab HERE.