Howdy CSCC Parents,  

We are happy to see returning families and welcome new families this fall semester!  The children are beginning to acclimate to their new classroom environment.  They are excited about the new furniture and materials we recently received.  Family Style dining in the classroom is new to the center. The children seem to enjoy this time with their friends and teachers.    

With the start of the new year, we have many fun events planned throughout the semester.    

Mark your calendar for September 26 for our first Picnic on the Playground: We plan on joining other parents at our sister center Becky Gates Children’s Center (Playground).   This will be a great time to relax and have fun with your child.  Food trucks will be available for you to purchase dinner or bring a picnic dinner with you and enjoy the playground with your children.  Hopefully we will have cooler temperatures!  Flyers will be posted soon with more information.  

We are looking for families interested in participating on the Family Advisory Board. The Family Advisory Board (FAB) is composed of parents representing all CSCC families and seeks to create positive family experiences, acts as a sounding board for family concerns, and provides advice to CSCC administration as well as supporting our mission.  Stay tuned for more details coming soon.  


A few Reminders….

  • School pictures are scheduled for October 2-4. Our photographer is Ms. Melissa at Melissa Rae Photography. Fall semester pictures will be individual children’s pictures with a solid-colored background. Spring pictures will include individual, group, and graduate pictures. A schedule for each classroom be available as we move closer to picture days.
  • Please send your child a water bottle to school. Water bottles will be sent home at the end of the day for cleaning. We will provide cups of water for children who do not have water bottles.

New Staff “Spot Light”- Please help me welcome Ms. Vanesa Smith, PreK Teacher for the Yellow Rose classroom.  


 I am a native of Bryan, and a proud Aggie educator Whoop! I have three beautiful daughters who are 16,14, and 8. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, and playing board games. My favorite places to shop are Target, and Hobby Lobby. I believe that children learn through hands-on experiences with the support of teachers, and I am looking forward to serving the children and parents at CSCC.  

Schronda Burns
Schronda BurnsCSCC Director