Howdy Families and Friends!
May brings the end of the spring semester and it is a great time to celebrate so many people who make our program the best it can be.
We celebrated 40 amazing children who will be moving on to kindergarten in August with a wonderful graduation ceremony held in Bethencourt Ballroom in the MSC. The children entertained us with several musical selections, received their diplomas and concluded the ceremony singing “I’m a Little Aggie.” We are going to miss them, but we know they are prepared to “rock” kindergarten!

Our focus on May 1 was on our student employees. They are such an integral part of our program and we wanted to let them know how important they are to us. Lunch along with goody bags were provided and the MP Building was reserved for them to study for finals.
The teachers and administration were spoiled during Teaching Appreciation Week. Breakfast, lunch, desserts, and cards created by the children made everyone feel very special.
Last, but certainly not least, we celebrated our families! Breakfast with families was a great way to start our day. Sharing stories, laughter, and good food is an excellent reminder of the importance of family!

Welcome new and returning families joining us this summer! We look forward to another great summer full of fun and exciting activities including the freedom parade and BBQ lunch, mud day, splash days, and messy art days. You are welcome to join your child’s classroom for any or all the special events.

We are excited to have our school age children back for the summer. Our summer school age program is led by TAMU students. Kaitlyn Byers and Eliana De La Torre will be leading the program this summer. Kaitlyn graduated from Texas A&M University in May and will be continuing in an advanced degree program. Eliana will be student teaching this upcoming semester. They will be joined by Taylor Barnett, Madeline Gonzalez, William Hagood, and Sylvia Lopez. The summer school age program is an inquiry-based program housed in the multipurpose building.
Be sure to check out our summer calendar for our events and closings. One of our favorite days of the year is International Mud Day on June 29. We join thousands of early childhood professionals and children from around the word playing and having fun with mud. International Mud Day arose from members of the “Nature Action Collaborative for Children” at the World Forum for Early Childhood Care and Education.” Check out the free books below all about MUD!
Who Likes Mud Book written by NACC Leader, Swati Popat.