The holidays are approaching and time is starting to move too quickly. We often go from one celebration to another and the next thing we know it’s another year and we’re trying to start anew. I try to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the small moments and experiences. It’s OK if you don’t attend every holiday event. Give yourself permission to take a day off and simply enjoy those who share your home. Put on your pajamas and bake cookies, work on a puzzle, watch a movie, or read a book. All are good for the soul, especially during busy times. Time spent with our loved ones is the best of times – even if we just stay in.
We are always appreciative of the time given to us for professional development. On October 14 & 15 the teaching staff at BGCC were engaged in learning about transforming their outdoor learning environments, studio spaces, observations, assessments, and planning, physical-cognitive development in young children, emotional literacy, anti-bias education, positive behavioral strategies, and how to be a mentor/mentee. Teachers took time to reflect, discuss, and set goals for themselves. Although we were challenged at times, we also felt refreshed and ready to move forward and tackle our professional and personal goals.

We are excited to offer our first Parent Café this month. In our 2021 Family Survey we asked families if they would be interested in attending Parent Cafes. 39% indicated yes and 42% answered maybe. Therefore, we have transitioned from Family Workshops to Parent Cafes for this school year. A Parent Café is a place where parents come together to listen, talk, build friendships, and support each other around the topic of parenting. Our first Parent Café is on Friday, November 4, in the MP Building beginning at 4 p.m. There will be coffee and snacks available as well as tables and chairs to sit and visit with each other. Debbie, Krista, and I will be available if you have any questions.

For the last several years the children at BGCC have made cards for Texas A&M University veteran students for Veterans Day. We will be making cards again this year! We give the cards to the Don & Ellie Knauss Veteran Resource & Support Center who then distributes the cards to veterans across the TAMU campus.
Teacher/Family Conferences will occur during the month of November. Your child’s teacher will send out a link to sign up for a time slot. It is highly encouraged for families to participate in conferences. According to Nemeth, Koralek & Ramsey (2019), Every child’s first and most important teachers are the family members who nurture their development and learning. When a child enters an early childhood program, her family’s partnership with the teachers ensures that the experience is comforting and successful for all. In our NAEYC book Families & Educators Together, we write,
Families and teachers both have information that can be exchanged as part of an ongoing reciprocal relationship. Together, you support the healthy development and learning of each child. Research shows that children thrive when their families are involved in their care and education. Share information with your child’s teachers to help them understand your child’s skills, preferences, interests, experiences, and needs. The more teachers understand what makes your child unique, the more they can meet his needs, encourage progress, and celebrate accomplishments every day.
Nemeth, K., Koralek, D., & Ramsey, K. (2019). Building a Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher.
NAEYC. Retrieved from Building a Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher | NAEYC