Wow! The month of October was busy at BGCC! A tremendous amount of planning
went into professional development, a visit from the Dean’s Development Council
from the School of Education and Human Development, and the 25th Anniversary
Celebration. While many involved in the planning of these events were feeling
exhausted, each event was a huge success!
We are always appreciative of the time given to us for professional development.
On October 20 & 21, the teaching staff at BGCC and CSCC were engaged in learning
about neurodiverse learners, incorporating learning in and with the outdoor
environment, reading-writing connections in the classroom, integrating writing into
children’s play, emotional intelligence, and specific positive praise. Professional
development ended with a discussion on the impact of early childhood and our role
in its sustainability. It was two days of intense learning and reflection.
Approximately 40 members of the School of Education and Human Development
Dean’s Development Council visited BGCC on Friday, Oct. 27. They were welcomed
to BGCC by the 12th Man classroom singing “I’m a Little Aggie.” After that warm
welcome, they saw and participated in activities with the children in the Aggies
classroom. They helped the children paint a mural depicting the habitat of
dinosaurs, they assisted the children in hatching eggs with dinosaurs inside, and
they created habitats for the dinosaurs using loose parts. To say they were blown
away by the learning that was taking place is an understatement. Many members of
the Council are former or current teachers, so they immediately understood all the
learning that was taking place.

The weather didn’t put a damper on the events planned to highlight 25 years of serving our littlest Aggies. Special guests and speakers included General Welsch, Mrs. Becky Gates, Mrs. Dorothy McFerrin, Dr. Susan Ballabina, and Erica Ritter. A memory walk with scrap books and newspaper articles lined the walkway and gave attendees a glimpse of the history of Becky Gates Children’s Center. All guests had an opportunity to add their thumb print to a mural on the nature art patio and the children in the 12th Man classroom once again shared our favorite song written by BGCC staff “I’m a Little Aggie” to conclude the event. A great time was had by all!

Highlights for November:
For the last several years the children at BGCC have made cards for Texas A&M
University veteran students for Veterans Day. We will be making cards again this
year! We give the cards to the Don & Ellie Knauss Veteran Resource & Support
Center who then distributes the cards to veterans across the TAMU campus.
The Center will be closed on Monday, November 6 for Teacher/Family Conferences.
It is highly encouraged for families to participate in conferences. According to
Nemeth, Koralek & Ramsey (2019), every child’s first and most important teachers
are the family members who nurture their development and learning. When a child
enters an early childhood program, the family’s partnership with the teachers
ensures that the experience is comforting and successful for all. In our NAEYC book
Families & Educators Together, we write,
Families and teachers both have information that can be exchanged as part of an
ongoing reciprocal relationship. Together, you support the healthy development and
learning of each child. Research shows that children thrive when their families are
involved in their care and education. Share information with your child’s teachers to
help them understand your child’s skills, preferences, interests, experiences, and needs.
The more teachers understand what makes your child unique, the more they can meet
his needs, encourage progress, and celebrate accomplishments every day.
Nemeth, K., Koralek, D., & Ramsey, K. (2019). Building a Partnership with Your
Child’s Teacher.
NAEYC. Retrieved from Building a Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher | NAEYC