Center Spotlight: BGCC Team Leads
Our September spotlight shines on our amazing BGCC team lead teachers.
Kay Myers, Mable Mulenga, Martey Heard, and Andrea Powers lead the Rainforest, Sea, Bird, and Insect wings respectively. All of the team leads have been at Becky Gates Children’s Center for at least five years and have had the opportunity to watch the center change and grow.
The Team Leads
Martey Heard from the Hummingbirds Class has been a teacher in the early childhood field since 1990 and she has been an Early Childhood Teacher at Becky Gates Children’s Center since it opened in 1998. Martey holds an AAS degree in Early Childhood Education. Martey’s favorite part of being a teacher is “seeing the growth of each child in such a short period of time. I love knowing that I am helping to set the foundation for the children’s future learning and outlook on education. I strive to make my student’s year in the Hummingbird class a positive one!”
Andrea Powers from the Butterflies Class has been an infant/toddler teacher at Becky Gates Children’s Center since it opened in 1998. Prior to teaching at BGCC, Andrea already had over 20 years of experience with children. Andrea has an Infant and Toddler Child Development Associates credential. She said her “favorite thing about teaching the little ones is watching their rapid growth and changes, as well as getting to be apart of them reaching their milestones. I love to share in their excitement when they discover new things. Basically I love everything about teaching.”
Kay Myers from the Tigers Class has been at Becky Gates Children’s Center since 2006 and has been an Early Childhood Educator since 1991. She says that in her 14 years at BGCC, “the center has grown by each staff member bringing great strength to the center and using those strengths to help each other. We have a loving staff who cares about kids and their families.”
Mable Mulenga from the Whales Class has been an Early Childhood Educator since 2007, and she began teaching at Becky Gates Children’s Center in 2014. Mable earned a degree in Early Childhood Development from Sam Houston State University in 2018. Mable said her favorite thing about being a teacher is that not only does she get to watch the children learn, she “gets to learn new things from the children I teach as well.”
What They Do
While all the teachers at BGCC lead their students development, the team leads work with their respective class wings to develop their team of teachers as a whole.
For Martey, “Being a team leader means being an example and advocate for your team members. As a team leader I am a support system as well. I may not know all the answers, but will definitely find the person who does!”
Becky Gates is divided into four different wings based on the age of the children, and each team lead is responsible for their wing’s teachers. Team leads help to keep their teachers up to date on the best practices for early childhood education. They take extra care to cater their practices to the development of the wing’s age group.
“To be a Team leader is all about supporting those on your team, to set an good example as a Teacher and leader. To be there to communicate important matters from our administration. To give advice and to let them know when you witness them doing a great job. To check in and see how things are going and to always listen to their needs. If I cannot meet the needs it is important to seek advice from administration on what the next step might be,” said Andrea when asked about her role as a team leader.
The team leads’ dedication to the Aggie Core Values of loyalty, integrity, excellence, leadership, respect, and selfless service can be seen regularly in the efforts to ensure the best possible experience for everyone affiliated with the center.
“Being a team leader at this prestigious childcare center has made me grow and become stronger on how to tackle challenges and collaboration with team members. I work extra hard to find ways to motivate my team,” Mable said highlighting the fact that while BGCC’s primary function is to foster the growth and development of children, anyone who enters the center opens the gates to a lifetime of learning.
In Kay’s case, experience is key in being a team leader, she said, “Being a Team Lead is giving support to others and sharing my many years of knowledge. This is my 31st year in the classroom (14 years at BGCC).”
The Impact of COVID-19 at BGCC
This past spring, the teachers and students alike learned and adapted quickly to an ever-changing situation that confronted the Aggie community, the nation, and the world as a whole. The COVID-19 pandemic is a situation no one would ever wish for, but we asked the teachers to tell us about some positive classroom changes that have been implemented this past summer semester and going into the fall semester.
“Certainly the use of technology!” said Martey, “We do not get the face to face interaction with the families that we used to, so finding new ways to communicate had become imperative. I found I am sending more pictures and utilizing the COR app even more.”
Mable mentioned “using zoom to engage families. Using zoom, we are able to invite parents to participate in classroom activities such as story time, music and movement, and giving them opportunities to talk about their home country; this could be special events they celebrate, or any talents they have to share with the class.”
Reflecting, Kay said, “With COVID-19, some classroom changes we have implemented are learning to wear masks, disinfecting toys after each use, checking emails and emailing parents more often to keep communication open.
I know it has been hard for parents not getting to walk their child inside each day and pick them up. It has also been hard for the children not having their parents to walk them in. They were brave little souls to walk in a classroom all by themselves and meet their new teacher for the first time. I have taken the first few weeks of school to read books and have discussions about the many emotions that we feel.”
Andrea pointed out the health and safety measures that were incorporated into the classrooms at BGCC, “Since the COVID 19 virus has began we have made a lot of positive changes to keep our staff, children and families as safe as possible. Our rooms are kept clean and tidy, everyone is required to wear a mask and follow social distancing.”
Andrea explained that children are now served their meals so that less people come in contact with our food. There is consistent washing throughout the day, teachers wash as children enter the classroom, before and after each change of diaper and each meal, as well as when we come in from outdoors. Frankly all the time.
The staff will not come to work if they have any of the symptoms named to be associated with the virus. Teachers also limit the contact the children have with others. They do not mix with other classes on our playground but are encouraged to play with their classmates. Certain teaching assistants are assigned to different areas to limit the spread and increase familiarity.
“We do our very best to keep us all well,” said Andrea.
Fall Aspirations
While BGCC continues to remain vigilant about COVID-19 and things look a little different, we love having children back in the classrooms this fall.
For the fall semester, Marty is looking forward to “getting to know my new students and learning even more innovative ways to engage my families even though they can’t physically be here in the building.”
Andrea said, “What I am looking forward most to in the fall, is building relationships with my children and families. I love watching the children’s growth. I love building relationships with the children and families. Teaching the children new and exciting things and recording their progress to share with their families. Also building my relationships with my co workers and Team. It is going to be a great year.”
This Fall, Mable is “looking forward to having a great and healthy fall semester full of fun learning experiences. I will continue to innovate new ways to engage families.”
We are incredibly grateful for our team leads and all they do to make Becky Gates Children’s Center the best that it can be!