A collaborative community shaping lifelong innovative learners.

The Texas A&M Children’s Centers serve the children of Texas A&M University’s students, faculty, staff, and our community. Our waitlist can be accessed online at MyProcare.com, where there is a non-refundable waitlist fee of $50. To place your child on the waitlist, affiliation with Texas A&M University is not required; however it is required for enrollment for BGCC only. Proof of enrollment and employment via UIN will be required once accepted. Both parents do not need to be affiliated with the university as an enrolled student or as a faculty or staff member to be enrolled at the center.


Every semester parents/guardians must sign a contract for continued enrollment. You are responsible for full payment during the dates listed on the contract. Tuition is posted to your account on the first of every month. You have until the fifth day of the month to make payment (Bi-monthly plans are the fifth and twentieth). If you are signed up for automatic payments, they will be scheduled on the fifth day of every month. Tuition may be paid by check/money order, automatic payments (ACH/Credit Card), online through MyProcare, or TAMU payroll deduction. Automatic payments are processed on the fifth day each month. If the center is closed on the fifth day of the month, automatic payments will be processed the next business day. Automatic payments are not available for bi-monthly payment plans. We do not pro-rate tuition for unexpected closings, absences, etc.

A $25.00 convenience fee is charged for automatic credit cared payment enrollees as well as for each tuition payment made through the MyProcare online portal (includes credit card and debit card payments).

A $50.00 material/supply fee per child, per semester is charged to your account and is due on or before the fifth day of September, January, and June. If a child is enrolled mid-semester, material/supply fee is paid with the first month’s tuition.

If you do not have a student or employee ID card issued by Texas A&M University with building access capability, you will need to request a building access card. Access cards are $25 per card.

Late/Decline Fees

A $5.00 late payment fee is assessed for each day and for each type of payment received late (after the fifth of the month). Bi-monthly plans will be considered late after the fifth and/or twentieth of the month. For example, if tuition is received five days late, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed to your account. If the due date falls on a day the center is not open (i.e., weekend or holiday) the due date will be the next business day.

A late pickup fee is assessed per child who is picked up past our closing time of 5:30 p.m., or time of early closing.

  • Minute 0-5 late, $10 fee will be assessed per child.
  • For every 5-minute increment thereafter, an additional fee of $5 will be assessed per child.
  • After 15 minutes, UPD will be called, unless we have heard from parents.

A $30.00 returned check/credit card decline fee is assessed for each notice of insufficient funds or decline of payment. We cannot accept another check as repayment of the initial returned check. We can accept a Cashier’s Check or Money Order.

In the event of non-payment of tuition during the contracted period Texas A&M University has the authority to disclose information about the delinquent account to any credit bureau, collection agency, or attorney for the purpose of collection of any delinquent amount.  Past due accounts will be subject to late payment fees as well as any additional fees incurred by Texas A&M University such as but not limited to court costs, attorney’s fees, and reasonable costs for collection.  All delinquent accounts will be referred to Texas A&M Debt Collections.  If you are a student, any unpaid balances will be charged to your Texas A&M University account as well as class registration being blocked. Services will be terminated for accounts which are 2 months past due.

Student Discount & Graduate Student Scholarship (BGCC ONLY)

Verified Texas A&M University students will be eligible for a $100-$125 per month student discount based on qualifying tier. Student status will be verified after the drop/add date for the semester and must be maintained throughout semester to qualify. Once verified, your account will be credited. It is important to note, since you will not receive the discount until verification of student status, you will be responsible for paying the first month of every semester in full. For example, since tuition is due at the beginning of the month, you will pay September tuition amount in full while waiting for student verification. Once verified (after drop/add date), your account will reflect both September and October discount.

There is an additional scholarship for graduate students, who qualify, awarded through The Association of Former Students (AFS). To qualify for the Becky Gates Children’s Center Graduate Student Scholarship, your family income must be between 130% – 180% of the federal poverty guidelines. This information is listed on the Child and Adult Care Food Program Eligibility Form. Priority will go to those who qualify based on the 130% federal poverty guidelines. If you meet the income guidelines, submit a letter of need to the Business Coordinator at the beginning of the fall and/or spring semester. Your graduate student status will be verified. You must reapply every semester.

3rd Party Payments

We accept 3rd party payments through other organizations such as Workforce Solutions and Child Care Aware for military families. Talk to our Administrative Coordinator about any 3rd party payments you are expecting to receive.

The Children’s Centers reserve the right to terminate a contract. Below are a few examples of reasons we can terminate a contract. See Dismissal section for a more detailed list of behaviors that may lead to dismissal from the Children’s Centers.

  • Noncompliance with center policies and procedures.
  • Fraudulent information provided to the center.
  • Failure to complete and turn in required documentation or forms.
  • Delinquent account.
  • Other.


The Children’s Centers make every attempt to meet the needs of all our children and families. That may not always be possible. Below are some but not all examples of dismissal from the program:

  • Noncompliance with Children’s Centers and Texas A&M policies, regulations, and rules.
  • Fraudulent information provided to the Children’s Centers.
  • Failure to provide requested documentation.
  • A child unable to adjust to the classroom setting after referral process.
  • Failure to pay.
  • Failure to meet the needs of a family after attempts are made.
  • Cannot meet the needs of a family after applicable attempts are made.
  • Behavior action plan unsuccessful.
  • Disruptive behavior from a child or family that has the potential to compromise the emotional or physical wellbeing of children or staff.
  • Other

Once you have accepted enrollment, affiliation with Texas A&M will be verified for BGCC only. Parent/Guardian will complete the following:

  • Contract (updated every semester)
  • Admission form
    • You must list at least one emergency contact (cannot be parent/guardian)
    • You must list at least one local authorized pick-up (cannot be parents/guardians)
  • Certificate of health and immunization records
    • Vision and hearing screening for children 4 years of age or older
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) enrollment form
  • Appearance form
  • Family Questionnaire
  • Automated payment processing form (optional)
  • Parent Rights form

To maintain continuous enrollment, you must sign a contract every semester. If you do not sign a contract by the posted due date, your child will not be enrolled the following semester and you will be asked to fill out a withdrawal form.

When you sign a semester contract, you are agreeing to pay for the entire designated time period.  You may not break a contract mid-semester. If an unforeseeable event occurs and you cannot fulfill your contract notify administration immediately. You will be responsible for payment for the duration of the contract unless administration can enroll a child in your child’s place. This is not a quick process, nor does it ensure we can find someone to complete your contract. You are responsible for payment until another family begins paying.

The Children’s Centers maintains a waitlist for all our age groups. By adding your child to the waitlist, you understand policies, procedures, and/or fees may change by the time your child is offered enrollment.

Complete one application per child. If applying for an unborn child, please put your expected date for the birthdate.

Bi-annually an email will be sent out to confirm your waitlist status and provide an opportunity to update contact information if applicable. It is very important your information is correct for when we contact you regarding enrollment.

You will be notified via email first and via phone secondly when a space for your child has become available. You will have 48 hours from the time of the email to accept the enrollment. If you decline the first time, you will be placed back on the waitlist with the decline date instead of the application date. If you decline for a second time, you will be removed from the waitlist. We log all communications regarding the waitlist. It is very important to notify us of any changes in email addresses or phone numbers.

The wait time to become enrolled averages around 1-1.5 years for BGCC. We encourage families to get on the waitlist as soon as possible.

How to Complete Waitlist Application

  1. Take a tour of the Becky Gates Children’s Center and/or Charlotte Sharp Children’s Center.
  2. Complete online application.
  3. Pay $50.00 non-refundable waitlist fee.

Waitlist Priority

  1. Current Children’s Center staff and siblings that are currently enrolled at the Children’s Centers, and United States Military Veteran.
  2. Affiliated students, faculty, and employees.
  3. Nonaffiliated Texas A&M employees.
  4. Community.

All prioritization is based off the date of your completed waitlist application submission.

Every new parent/guardian will be given an orientation to learn about our program before your child starts at the Children’s Centers. Every fall semester, we have a large family orientation before the start of our school year. We offer smaller sessions in the spring and summer semesters. New parents/guardians will be notified of orientation dates through the enrollment process.

Classroom assignments are determined by age and consultation with teachers. All relevant information is considered to make the best decision for placement.

New classroom assignments occur every August. Children visit their new classroom a few weeks before starting in their new classroom.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Becky Gates Children’s Center Administrative Coordinator by emailing bgcc@tamu.edu or calling the Center at 979.458.5437.

If you have any questions for the Charlotte Sharp Children’s Center, you can email cscc@tamu.edu or call 979.458.6836.

Withdraw forms are available toward the end of each semester. Remember, you are enrolled and responsible for payment for the dates listed on the semester contract.

Becky Gates Children’s Center contact: bgcc@tamu.edu

Charlotte Sharp Children’s Center contact: cscc@tamu.edu